Edgewater Pavillion – Albert Lea, Minnesota Wedding

Cinematography, Venues, Weddings

lake at Edgewater Bay Pavillion in Albert Lea, MN

Leslie & Jamin are a FUN couple! In their teaser below you might get an idea of their playfulness and gushy love 😀 They chose the Edgewater Bay Pavilion in Albert Lea, Minnesota for their wedding. Cozy and elegant inside, yet picturesque and postcard like on the outside, with a backdrop of the lake.

Below, you will find out a little more about their wedding choices…

Why did you choose Edgewater Pavillion for your venue?

We choose the Edgewater Bay Pavilion because of the amenities it has and also, I’ve had a couple friends use that venue for their wedding reception and it looked very beautiful. It is also local and near our ceremony location.

Check out some photos here!

Why did you choose Kings Films for your wedding video:

We have seen his work on social media and love how each video has turned out. We picked Kings Films because we know that our wedding video will turn out amazing.

Why do you want to capture your wedding video?

We want to capture our wedding video to be able to look back at our special day, the day we became one flesh. To see our family and friends enjoy this day with us and the memories that were made that day.

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“To see our Family and friends enjoy this day with us and the memories that were made that day”


About Leslie & Jamin:

Jamin works at Lou Rich as a material handler aka certified forklift driver and I (Leslie) work at Albert Lea Area Schools as a Success Coach. We like to spend our days with each other, clingy I know lol. We also love to spend time with our friends and Family, explore the outdoors but most of all, the worldwide volunteer work we are involved in. One important thing in our life is Jehovah God and keeping him close in our relationship.

How was the proposal?? Don’t spare any gushy details!!

I (Leslie) made plans with my best friend to go on a hike in the Nature Center in Austin, MN. It was just another typical Thursday, as we drove to Austin Jamin was making final preparations for the proposal location. I went out to lunch with my girl, little did I know the boys were in the parking lot across the restaurant spying on us, making sure we left when we were supposed to. June and I got to the nature center and since I had been there before, I kind of took charge of the trail we went on. June mentioned to me that she was texting the boys: ”she is taking over I’m not sure where she is taking me”. Eventually we did make it to the trail and spot where the proposal was set up. Walking across the bridge I saw one of our friends there but I wasn’t sure if I saw him correctly, as I kept walking there he was, Jamin was smiling and asked how my hike was. It was a Beautiful proposal set up, he had sunflowers, and more sunflowers. Things happened so fast all I could do was stare into his eyes. Then he got down on one knee. Jamin being a goofball said “I need to tie my shoe and also I have this, will you marry me?” I said yes. We kissed and celebrated by going to go get some Ice cream with our friends who were at the proposal. It was definitely a day to remember.

What experience do you want for your guests?

We want our guests to join us on our wedding day but also enjoy the good company, food, dancing, and to have fun!

If you want us to capture your wedding, and immortalize the memories forever, contact us here!